WelCom May 2017:
1 May: Parish representatives selected and others who will be attending the Synod will be notified.
7 May: Diocesan-wide participation process for the Synod begins.
17‒18 May: Clergy Assembly, which will include section on the Synod.
20 May: Upper South Island Synod meeting with Cardinal John Dew (1.30pm‒4.30pm) at Parish Centre, Richmond, Nelson.
27 May: Lower North Island Synod meeting with Cardinal John Dew (1.30pm‒4.30pm) at Bishop Viard College, Porirua.
30 June: Deadline for input on Synod consultation document. (Note: date change from 23 June).
28 August: Synod information sent to participants.
15‒17 September: Synod ‘17 weekend.