‘Building a Love that Lasts’

WelCom February 2022 An online event to celebrate World Marriage Day, 13 February, will be livestreamed nationwide from 7.30pm, Sunday 13 February. Called ‘Building a Love that Lasts’ the event…

WelCom February 2022

An online event to celebrate World Marriage Day, 13 February, will be livestreamed nationwide from 7.30pm, Sunday 13 February. Called ‘Building a Love that Lasts’ the event is sponsored by the Catholic Network of Marriage Educators, and hosted by the Hamilton diocese. Keynote speakers are Megan and Nahum Kozak of Lighthouse Relationships. 

For 22 years, the Catholic Network of Marriage Educators’ board (CNME) has supported and promoted the annual St Valentine’s Day Mass, celebrated in several New Zealand dioceses with the support of local diocesan staff. 

This year because of ongoing uncertainty about gatherings due to Covid-19 restrictions, CNME has organised this Catholic marriage-enrichment online event to support, enrich, and encourage married couples throughout the country. Couples can view the event from their own homes.

Earlier last year, CNME and marriage network supporters invited the New Zealand bishops to consider adding World Marriage Day to the NZCBC national calendar – to which the bishops agreed. 

At Masses on Sunday 13 February, parishes and communities throughout Aotearoa New Zealand will be encouraged to celebrate and support married life. Resources are available at: www.nlo.org.nz/about/liturgical-calendar/

‘Building a Love that Lasts’ date night for couples, on the evening of World Marriage Day, starts at 7.30pm. The organisers invite married couples ‘to book in some time to enrich your relationship, from the comfort of your own home’, to ‘grab some wine and cheese’ and tune in at 7.30pm for the hour-long live talk. The presentation will suit engaged couples, newly married couples and those married for many years who would like to enrich their relationship on this special day. 

More information: www.cdh.org.nz/events

Free registration: events.cdh.nz