A worldwide prayer movement for mothers worried about the pressures on today’s children has seen its prayer book translated into 25 languages.
Veronica Williams who started the movement, Mothers’ Prayers, with her brother and sister-in-law in England, has just been in New Zealand and spoke to 35 mothers in Wellington last month.
Since her visit eight new Mothers’ Prayers groups have formed.
The movement started 10 years ago when the Christian community Veronica lives in, Marinatha, was wondering what it could do about the pressures on young people such as drugs, pornography, violence, child abuse, and slavery.
‘Ten thousand children every day were phoning a special telephone line for help,’ Veronica said.
Her sister-in-law said she had twice been woken in the night with the words ‘pray for your children’ in her mind.
Most important about the movement is that mothers are relieved of their worry.
‘It’s as much for the mothers as for children, where they can unburden themselves of the pain in their hearts,’ she said.
During the prayer time, the Mothers’ Prayer group places names of the children members want to pray for in a basket on a central table with a crucifix and bible.
Each meeting follows a set format and a particular scripture reading which is an inspiration to the groups is that of the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-56).
The groups are encouraged to pray in support of each other and, because there are groups in both hemispheres, this means someone is usually praying for children around the clock.
‘There is a wonderful sense of solidarity,’ Veronica said.
She hears many stories about members being reunited with their children after many years, and healed because of their faith, ‘like the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment.’ (Mk 5:25-34).
Veronica said it was important to let go of the worry and trust that God would do something – to be people of hope, not despair. Mothers’ Prayers was open to all women who have a heart for children. This included single women, religious and married women without children.
For more information about Mothers’ Prayers in Wellington contact Eileen Romanos romanos@slingshot.co.nz or phone 3836476.