WelCom March 2019:
Rangimoeroa Waikari-Panapa
A pōwhiri was held on Monday, 4 February, at Sacred Heart Primary School, Thorndon, to welcome new tauira (students) and their whānau.
Kuia from Te Ngākau Tapu parish in Porirua and from the Whanganui River supported the school with karanga. Whaikōrero (formal speeches) were given by Henare Howard, Declan Millin and teacher, John Grevatt. Mrs Jenny Gordon, Archdiocesan Vicar for Education, and Alan Grant of Catholic Schools Education Services, attended as part of the hau kāinga (the home people/school).
The whaikōrero acknowledged the kura and its contribution to the formation of the children and the important participation of parents and extended whānau. The mana whenua of the local iwi, Te Atiawa, and the maunga and awa in which the school is located were also acknowledged.
Principal, Mrs Bernadette Murfitt, began her speech with a mihi to everyone and céad míle fáilte – a hundred thousand welcomes. Mrs Murfitt praised the children for their ‘beautiful singing’ of waiata during the pōwhiri and said that they and staff were ‘treasures of Sacred Heart School’.
The children received a blessing from Henare who prayed for their health and wellbeing in all areas of school life – faith and karakia, academic, and sporting.
To conclude the pōwhiri, senior students served afternoon tea in the school library.