Reflecting on moving on

How a priest might deal with the prospect of leaving home.

So the archdiocesan clergy transfers for 2008 are out. I’ve been shifted to Paraparaumu. Carde gone north for a while, I may be some time.

Dark forces are at work interfering in our lives, moving us from places of tranquility and peace even before the banana harvest here in Seatoun.

Jim Hickey promises us a long, fine summer. What about my beach patrol at Worser Bay? I’ve just bought a new speedo. Was this considered?

We’ve tarsealed our drive and concreted in front of the church. My successor is to reap the benefits.

OK the concrete will put us behind in carbon credits, but people are walking their children to our school and skate-boarding to Mass. We’ll soon catch up on the credits and become the carbon credit parish of the year, though my successor gets the medal from the archbishop.

The electric light in front of the tabernacle is powered by a windmill and/or gas from my compost. We’re taking global warming seriously in spite of the aforementioned hiccup.

To move is difficult, especially in my senectitude (refer Catholic Centre [very old] dictionary). No, that’s not a car, for I drive a Focus, care of our beloved car fund. You’ve all done it many times, haven’t you, from your first humble dwelling with the double bed on three legs and an apple box.

Apple boxes would be appreciated, if you can spare any.

PS It’s one thing to sing ‘Wherever You Go, I Will Go’ but it’s another matter when there’s only me, myself alone – not even a cat.

Have you any tips for the clergy? Send c/o

‘It’s a long way to Tipperary’ and north—for a while.

Msgr John Carde takes up residence at St Patricks Parish, Paraparaumu, this month.