The Reformation: Is it Over?

WelCom August 2017: The Wellington Theological Consortium is hosting a one-day seminar about the Reformation on Saturday 9 September, from 9.30am to 4pm, at The Salvation Army City Wellington Corps, Vivian St….

WelCom August 2017: The Wellington Theological Consortium is hosting a one-day seminar about the Reformation on Saturday 9 September, from 9.30am to 4pm, at The Salvation Army City Wellington Corps, Vivian St. Speakers include:

  • Dr Nick Thomson – Indulgences and All That: Exactly What are we Commemorating in 2017?;
  • Br Kieran Fenn fms – Miriam of Nazareth and the Reformers: a Lesson Learned?;
  • Dr Joe McGarry – What does Wittenberg Have to Do with Wellington? Luther’s abiding significance for theology today; and
  • Rev Rob Yule – Luther on Marriage and the Family.

For registration or a brochure please email or email Maya Bernardo at for more details.