Site icon Archdiocese of Wellington

Office of the General Manager

The General Manager leads and manages the Archdiocesan offices to enable the Archdiocesan staff to support and deliver what is needed to meet Archbishop Paul Martin’s vision and mission, ensuring that this work is done within the canonical framework of the Church.

The General Manager’s role has four parts:

  1. The first part includes responsibility for employment, legal matters, health and safety, information technology (IT), support (office accommodation, transport etc), financial matters that arise in relation to Archdiocesan staff, support for Board Committees, and joint responsibility (with the Diocese of Palmerston North) for WelCom. The General Manager and his office also advise parishes on any of these matters that may affect them.
  2. The second part of the General Manager’s role is protecting the patrimony of the Church (the legacy of what all those who went before us have left to us). This patrimony is represented by parishes and schools and their buildings; archdiocesan buildings; investment assets; deposit raising and lending; and Archdiocesan records and archival material. Protecting patrimony includes sound financial and employment practices, and the responsible management of risk (including suitable insurance). The General Manager and his office also advise parishes on such matters.
  3. The third part of the General Manager’s role, linked to the first two, is as Financial Administrator of the Archdiocesan of Wellington (canon 494), whose responsibility is “to administer the goods of the diocese in accordance with the plan of the finance committee” (the finance committee is the Archdiocese’s Board of Administration). This responsibility includes the provision of Financial Statements each year. This part of the responsibility is undertaken by the Archdiocesan Finance Director, Roshan Abeyesundere, and the Finance team.
  4. The fourth part of the General Manager’s role includes engaging with government on changes in the law, regulations and policies that may affect the activities of the Archdiocese in the three parts of the role outlined above. It also includes coordinating with other dioceses on matters of mutual interest, and participation in the Finance Committee of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference. Finally, the General Manager’s role involves whatever particular projects or tasks Archbishop Paul Martin SM wishes to be undertaken. One example is the co-ordination of the provision of visas for trainees, seminarians and clergy from overseas.

The General Manager is Reuben Norris 04 496 1788

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