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Change to COVID-19 Alert Level 1, Sunday 5 March

Cardinal John Dew has sent the following message to parishes in the Archdiocese of Wellington about the change for Alert Level 2 to Alert Level 1:

5 March 2021

Dear Fathers and Lay Pastoral Leaders

As the Prime Minister has announced we are returning to Alert Level 1 at 6am on Sunday morning Masses and other parish gatherings can resume on Sunday without restriction on numbers.

There will be no Vigil Masses on Saturday evening (6 March).

The same requirements we were following in Alert Level 1 previously apply until further notice:

Please encourage people to be careful when they gather, for their own safety and that of others.

With all good wishes and every blessing

Yours sincerely in the Lord

John A Cardinal Dew
Archbishop of Wellington

28 February 2021

Cardinal John Dew has told parishes in the Archdiocese of Wellington that with Alert Level 2 having come into force at 6am on Sunday 28 February for seven days, there will be no public Masses during this time. There should also be no in-person parish gatherings or liturgical events. He encourages people to take time to reflect on the Sunday readings, and especially the Gospel which is the account of the Transfiguration. The readings can be found here. Mass for the Second Sunday of Lent (28 Feb) which was livestreamed from Our Lady of Kapiti Parish can be accessed here.

17 February 2021

Cardinal John Dew has sent the following message to parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of Wellington regarding the change to Alert Level 1:

Dear Fathers and Lay Pastoral Leaders

As we are returning to Alert Level 1 Masses and other parish gatherings can resume without restriction on numbers.

The same requirements we were following in Alert Level 1 previously apply until further notice:

Please encourage people to be careful when they gather, for their own safety and that of others.

With all good wishes and every blessing

Yours sincerely in the Lord

John A Cardinal Dew

Archbishop of Wellington

Cardinal John sent the following message for the change to Alert Level 2 on Monday 15 February:

15 February 2021

Dear Fathers and Lay Pastoral Leaders

Now that we are in Alert Level 2 until Thursday, we need to play our part in keeping the community safe.

Under Alert Level 2 gatherings are restricted to 100 people with appropriate social distancing. We know that for some of our churches, the need to social distance will mean far fewer than 100 people can be accommodated. Contact tracing and social distancing requirements would need to be put in place, and some way of limiting numbers.

As the Alert Level change is, at this stage, only for three days, until further notice we will follow the same procedure as we did when we were last in Level 2:

In the meantime, it may be helpful if you are able to get a message out to your parishioners to encourage them to do something at home to mark Ash Wednesday, to pray with the Scriptures and find ways to mark the beginning of Lent in their homes.

With all good wishes and every blessing

Yours sincerely in the Lord

John A Cardinal Dew
Archbishop of Wellington

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