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Karakia Katorika 8pm each night

E te iwi whakapono, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou

As we enter into isolation it will provide a time ‘te wā’ to be together as whānau and at times sit in the silence of God, our loving and concerned parent.

We pray also and hold in prayer those who are alone, perhaps isolated and vulnerable, the poor, our homeless brothers and sisters, the elderly, those with special needs and in need of care, those in hospitals who are sick, prisons who have limited access now to whānau and whānau who have lost loved ones and limited travel now hinders being together.

We are also grateful for all the frontline people in our communities, the ‘essential service’ staff and volunteers for everything they are doing for us.

And we hold each other in prayer – he hunga whakapono tātou – we are a people of great hope.

Although we cannot be physically together, we are able to unite in karakia prayer.

There are a number of Māori whānau whakapono coming together on Face Book regularly and I encourage you to join in and connect.

Ahakoa ka noho wehe tātou, ka taea tonu te tūhono. 

Although we are separated, we are still able to be together.

Karakia Katorika with Deacon Danny and Maru Karatea-Goddard while the Archdiocese of Wellington is in Level 4: through Facebook Online, every night at 8.00pm – 8.30pm.


Please message Danny your Prayers of Intention. There is also a WAIATA HIMENE BOOK available, just email Danny on:  Nau mai, haere mai.

The format each night is in te reo Māori and also in English:

1. Opening Hymn

2. Mihi and Words of Aroha, Encouragement, Hope and Recognition of Our Needs and the needs of others, followed by the Mystery for today.

3. Sign of the Cross

4. Our Father

5. 10 x Hail Mary

6. Glory Be

7. General prayer offered – Karakia Papa Ngākau

8. Reflection

9. Prayers of Intention shared

10. Closing Hymn

11. E oma ana mātou – A Prayer for Our Lady to offer protection

12. Final Blessing

13. An invitation to join us again at 8.00pm the next day.


Wairua Tapu tau mai rā

Wairua tapu tau mai rā
wairua tapu mai runga
uhia mai ngā taonga pai,
homai tō aroha.
Wāhia, kia tika
ākona mai rā kia ū ki te pai.
Horoia, kia mā tonu rā      
nōhou te tino korōria.

Ki te ingoa o te Matua, o te Tamaiti, o te Wairua Tapu.

E tā mātou mātua i te rangi
kia whakatapua tōu ingoa.
Tukua mai tōu rangatiratanga
kia whakaritea tōu hiahia i te whenua
pēnei me i te rangi.
Homai kia mātou āianei tō mātou taro o ngā rā katoa
kia wareware koe ō mātou hara
me mātou hoki e wareware ana
i te hara o te hunga i kino kia mātou
aua e tukua mātou ki te whakawainga otirā whakaorangia mātou i te kino. Āmene.

Awe Maria e kī ana koe i te keratia.
Kei ā koe te Ariki, ko koe e whakapangia ana i ngā wāhine,
ā ka whakapaingia a Hēhu te hua o tōu kōpū.

E Hāta Maria te matua o te Atua īnoi koe mō mātou he hunga hara,
āianei, ā i te haora o tō mātou matenga rawa. Āmene.

Kororia ki te Matua, me te Tamaiti, me te Wairua Tapu.
Me i te tīmatanga anō kia pērā hoki āianei ,
ā kia pērā āke āke, ā i ngā tau mutunga kore. Āmene.

Ka waiata ki a Maria

Ka waiata ki a Maria
hine i whakaae
whakameatia mai
he whare tangata.

Hine pūrotu,
hine ngākau,
hine rangimārie.
Ko te whāea,
ko te whāea o te ao (o te ao).

Mõ Maria (Southern Version)

Mō Maria āianei ō tātou waiata,
kia kaha rā tātou, kia nui te aroha

Mō Maria (×2)
āianei (x2)
ō tātou waiata (waiata),
kia kaha (kia kaha) rā tātou.
Kia nui te aroha.

Tēnā hoki anahera
e whakahōnore ana
i tõ tātou Kuini,
ki a Maria anō rā.

Mō Maria (×2)
āianei (x2)
ō tātou waiata (waiata),
kia kaha (kia kaha) rā tātou.
Kia nui te aroha.  

E Oma Ana Mātou

E oma ana mātou ki roto ki tōu pā e te hata matua o te Atua
aua koe e whakakino ki ō mātou inoinga i ō mātou mate
engari whakaorangia mātou āke āke
i ngā mea mataku katoa e te Takakau i whakakororiatia
ā i whakapaingia. Āmene.

Ki te ingoa o te Matua, me te Tamaiti, me te Wairua Tapu. Āmene.

Hāto Hōhepa īnoi mō mātou.
Hāto Pāora īnoi mō mātou.
Meri Takakau īnoi mō mātou.
Meri Hõhepa īnoi mō mātou.

Ki te ingoa o te Matua, o te Tamaiti, o te Wairua Tapu.


The te reo Māori weekly Readings will continue to go out weekly. If you would like to receive these and be on the distribution list please email










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