Site icon Archdiocese of Wellington

Celebrating 40 years of Palmerston North Diocese

WelCom June 2020:

I te Wairua o te Kotahitanga – United in the Spirit 

Pentecost, one of the most important days of the Church calendar year, concludes the Easter season and celebrates the beginning of the Church. It occurs 50 days after the death and resurrection of Jesus, and ten days after his ascension into heaven. This year Pentecost was on Sunday 31 May. 

Pentecost is especially important for the Diocese of Palmerston North, which is consecrated to the Holy Spirit. A special prayer of consecration written for the diocese can be downloaded from

The diocese was founded in 1980. Now in its 40th year, as part of its celebrations, on Pentecost Sunday an inspiring time of prayer was hosted online and led by people from across the diocese. 

The diocese plans to continue this year to celebrate and discover ways of renewal as a diocese, a community, and a church. Stay connected through the weekly UNITED newsletter – now renamed ‘Kotahitanga – United in Spirit’ (subscribe at:, the website and social media. 

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