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Challenge 2000 offers 10 ‘road rules’ for ‘thrival’

WelCom December 2021

In response to the Covid challenges, for almost two years now staff and volunteers from Wellington’s youth and community development agency, Challenge 2000, have been supporting many people, families and groups in the Wellington region to manage new life complexities and to stay safe, prepared and well. Kitty McKinley, Challenge 2000’s Founder and Project Manager, shares some of the agency’s thoughts to encourage ‘thriving’ in these challenging times.

  1. Drive to the conditions. Life is like a road. This Covid journey travels across new, previously unimagined territory – like the road to the promised land! So, keep up to date with the changing terrain, slips, unexpected roadworks, potential flash floods and the roadworks or accidents on the journey. None of us are following an infallible map that will get us to our destination. AND use the traffic lights of course!
  2. Be aware of your needs and the needs of your passengers – family, friends, whānau, aiga and children. Check they are okay. 
  3. If someone needs food, support, direction, space, money, a chance to talk or advice then ask directly, seek support and do something so their needs are met, and worries are reduced.
  4. Be aware of those sharing this same road. Age, gender, tradition, culture, feelings, fear, life experience, isolation – all affect the way others travel. Be kind and positive – not mean.
  5. Reach out more. Offer help. Smile to strangers. Write letters, emails, texts of positivity and wisdom. Connect, reconnect, call family and friends. Put any wrongs right.
  6. Start every day with an old-fashioned morning offering. For example: ‘Lord I offer all my fears, joys, worries, uncertainties and sufferings for the betterment of others, the following intentions…’. This day will not come again. Accept it. Live it.
  7. And when you are tired of it all, have run out of petrol, your battery is low and you’re oh-so-tired, then take time out on the side of your road. Breathe. Be. Pray. Remember, life does have a purpose for you and your brothers and sisters on the same road.
  8. Watch out for all the wonderful gifts on the journey. There is much to see and be grateful for. Choose life. Keep dreaming. Feel the sun. Enjoy life don’t endure it!
  9. And know that just when you are chilled and comfortable, life appears under control – whammo – another storm, Covid variant, deluge of uncertainty and traffic jam.
  10. Then drive to the conditions. Life is like a road. Fortunately, we have a pretty good navigator. Love is with us. Jesus is with us. He lived through his own tough ‘Covid’ times and came out the other end. So, let’s do what we can to keep this Covid road trip full of love, safety and respect this Christmas and in 2022.
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