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‘In Our Time’

WelCom August 2017: Nostra Aetate, ‘a Declaration on the Relation of the Church to non-Christian Religions’ was proclaimed by Pope Paul VI on 28 October 1965.

Nostra Aetate reflects on the common origin and destiny of the human race, our relationship to non-Christian religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Muslims, Jews, and the brotherhood of all human beings as created in the image of God.

Parishioners gathered at Palmerston North Diocesan Centre on Saturday 24 June for a day of prayer, learning, reflection and discussion about Nostra Aetate.

Discussion included historical links of Abramaic Religions, deepening one’s own faith journey to enable a greater capacity to listen to others, respecting uniqueness, and learning from others’ journeys. Also considered were potential issues Nostra Aetate – as a living document – might raise, its relativity to Church and European history, and the Ten Points of Seelisberg, issued by the International Council of Christians and Jews in August 1947.

Mary Eastham

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