Site icon Archdiocese of Wellington

Safeguarding training

WelCom October 2019:

Safeguarding Workshops

Twenty-five Safeguarding workshops have been held in the Archdiocese of Wellington region over the past four months and about 600 people have attended. As stated in the Safeguarding Policy it is a requirement that Church personnel are to complete Safeguarding education and training, which is about creating safe environments for children and adults who may be vulnerable. Church personnel means this policy applies to all clergy, religious, employees, and volunteers in all six dioceses in New Zealand. It also includes people working within parishes who are part of any Catholic organisation or agency accepted as a Catholic entity. 

Safeguarding workshops were held in the South Island in August and co-facilitated by Deacon Danny Karatea-Goddard, Mary-Ann Greaney and Brendy Weir. Brendy has also held extra ‘catch up’ sessions and two more will happen on 8 and 9 October at the Catholic Centre, Wellington. To find out more please contact the Safeguarding Advisor, Brendy Weir (04) 496-1768. Further information is on the Archdiocese website:

Feedback from the workshops has generally been very positive. People say they are encouraged to know there are new Safeguarding policies and standards in place because it will support and strengthen their work to keep everyone in parishes safe. 

Extra Safeguarding resource to support parishes 

Most home computers have OneDrive capacity, so OneDrive is being used to share resources with parishes and support their Safeguarding work. Please contact Brendy if you wish to have access to these Safeguarding documents, email or ph (04) 496-1768. 

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