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‘Saints Next Door’ video competition 2019

WelCom July 2019:

The Catholic Enquiry Centre has launched a video competition calling on students to share the stories of ‘saints’ in their lives. ‘Saints Next Door’ is open to young people of all faiths and denominations.

In 2018, Pope Francis shared a letter about saints. He explained saints needn’t be mystical people from the past who cured lepers and floated above the floor. In fact, anyone can be what the Pope labels as ‘saints next door.’

The competition has three categories, from year 7 to year 13, with one prize for each category.

Recent school leavers are welcome to enter. Winning entrants can choose new technology up to the value of $900.

To enter visit and complete the online form by Friday 23 August. Films need to be completed and submitted online by Friday 30 August.

The website includes tips, inspiration and a resource kit for teachers.

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