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Spiritual Reading – Six of the best

WelCom April 2020:

Anchors For The Soul, Joyce Rupp (Sorin Books) $35.99 
Daily wisdom to guide and anchor.

The Language of Tears, David Runcorn (Canterbury Press) $25.99 
Recover the gift, mystery and meaning of tears.

The Wind Blows Where It Chooses, Kevin Treston (Coventry Press) $27.50 
How do we recover the dynamic simplicity of the life and teachings of Jesus?

Tired of all the Bad News, Fr Bryan Shortall (Columba Press) $29.99
A shot of positivity each day, it’s good for us!

To Grow in Love, Brian Grogan SJ (Messenger Press) $34.99 
A spirituality of ageing, dying and glory.

What the Mystics Know, Richard Rohr (The Crossroad Publishing Company) $34.99 
Discover the path of the mystic within you.

‘Six of the best’ is selected by Christian booksellers, Pleroma Books. If you would like to buy one of these books from Pleroma, mention WelCom when placing your order and you will get a 10 per cent discount until 30 April 2020 or while current stocks last.

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