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State of the Environment for Oceania Report 2017

WelCom October 2017: Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand will launch its State of the Environment for Oceania Report 2017: Turning the Tide, on Wednesday 4 October. The report covers findings related to environmental impacts on the people and the region of Oceania. Caritas will present the report at Te Ngākau Tapu Parish – Tū-Hono Committees, 20 Kenepuru Drive, Porirua, starting with a karakia at 9am and presenting the report at 10am.

For several years Caritas Oceania has issued a report on the state of the environment with clear calls to action. This year the focus is on everyone the community. Turning the Tide calls for a shared responsibility and collective response from the Oceania region and the world at-large.

Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Director Julianne Hickey, one of the Caritas Oceania leaders, will present key findings and recommendations from the report to the UN Climate Change conference (COP23), chaired by Fiji in Bonn later this year, as part of the international Caritas delegation.

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