Site icon Archdiocese of Wellington

Street-day appeal for Vinnies

WelCom June/July 2021

Victor is a member of the altar-bread-making team.
Photo: Supplied

It’s been nearly two years since Vinnies Wellington were able to hold their annual street-day appeal. This vital fundraising day collects donations for Vinnies Welfare and Support Services, which include choice-based Food Bank, full-time Social Worker, inclusive Sewing Studio and more. 

One of Vinnies most empowering support services is at the heart of this year’s street-day appeal, Friday, 24 September. It is for Vinnies Supported-Employment programme.

The Supported-Employment programme provides living-wage employment to adults with intellectual disabilities. Based within a commercial kitchen, the tight-knit team of six bake, cut and pack altar breads for parishes, schools and individuals throughout New Zealand. 

As well as pride and achievement from earning their own wage, the team benefit from forming friendships and meaningful experiences. Team members have been working within the kitchen for over 20 years. With the support of community donations, Vinnies looks to forward to continuing this mana-enhancing programme for many more years. 

Collection areas will throughout the Wellington central CBD and surrounding suburbs, 7am–6pm, 24 September. If you would like to volunteer as a collector, please contact Millie at or call 04 389 7122. 

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