Site icon Archdiocese of Wellington

‘The Way’ Nine Month Formation Programme For Young Adults March–November 2018

WelCom December 2017: The Family & Young Church Team have announced the arrival of a Young Adult Formation Programme for 18–35-year-olds in the Archdiocese of Wellington.

‘The Way’ is a journey of exploration of Catholic faith on your terms as a young adult. No questions are out of bounds or unacceptable. The Way asks only that participants be open to their travelling companion’s perspectives as issues and topics of everyday concern and interest to today’s young adult Catholics are visited and unpacked. Following Jesus Christ, our Catholic faith has so much to offer.

Check out for more information about this new programme. Registrations will be open until the end of February 2018.

An information evening is on 8 February and the first session will start on 4 March 2018. There are eight sessions in total running over each month (except June) from February til November.

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