Site icon Archdiocese of Wellington

Young Vinnies brings colleges together


Nick Wilson

September 2013

The annual gathering of Young Vinnies from Catholic colleges in the Archdiocese of Wellington took place on 18 August at St Patrick’s College Silverstream Chapel.

The colleges come together to share information about the charitable works each is doing as part of the St Vincent de Paul Society.

This doubles as an encouragement to all schools that they are part of something bigger which is making a difference in the lives of people from all walks of life.

One of the regional projects that the Young Vinnies are collectively working on is a book sale scheduled for 13 October, so if you have any books that you would like to move on, please contact the Vinnies at your local Catholic college.

A big thanks to Young Vinnies regional coordinator Ann D’Souza and Patrick Hallot at Silverstream for facilitating this celebration of the work and dedication of our young Vincentians.

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