Papal Medal for Brendan Gilmore

WelCom December 2017: Wellington South Parishioner Brendan Gilmore was presented with a Benemerenti medal by Cardinal John Dew in St Gerard’s Church, Mt Victoria, on Sunday 5 November. Numerous testimonies were…

Cardinal John Dew presents Brendan Gilmore with a Benemernti medal from Pope Francis. Photo: Ignatius Susilo/ICPE Mission

WelCom December 2017: Wellington South Parishioner Brendan Gilmore was presented with a Benemerenti medal by Cardinal John Dew in St Gerard’s Church, Mt Victoria, on Sunday 5 November. Numerous testimonies were received in support of this award from Pope Francis.

For many years Brendan has given generous service within the Archdiocese of Wellington and to the greater Wellington community. A leading and dedicated member of the Legion of Mary for over 30 years, he is well known for his visitation to the sick, elderly, refugees and housebound. He has regularly collected bread from supermarkets and made deliveries to the Soup Kitchen and other social-service agencies. He provides transport for people who have difficulty getting to the supermarket or appointments on their own. His hospitality is legendary; reaching out to young people and migrants without family. The St Gerard’s community delighted in celebrating this award with Brendan with a special morning tea after Mass.

Fr David Dowling

Fr David Dowling is parish priest at Catholic Parish of Wellington South.