The Season of Creation runs from September 1 to October 4. The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. During the Season of Creation, we join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home.
The Integral Ecology Committee of the Archdiocese’s Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission are coordinating a series of events. Two workshops “Hope and Act with Creation” were held in Kāpiti and Lower Hutt in August.
Upcoming events
Friday 4 October: St Francis Day
Season of Creation Liturgy on the Feast of St Francis of Assisi: The Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission and St Francis of Assisi Parish invite you to a Season of Creation Liturgy at St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish, 7pm cuppa for 7.30 pm start on Friday 4th October – 37 Doctor Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville Wellington. All are welcome. Facebook event page.

Other resources
Download resources for the Season of Creation.
- Season of Creation 2024: A Catholic Liturgical Guide. Download.
- Letter from the Integral Ecology Committee. Download.
- Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission weekly quotes and actions. Download.
- Season of Creation calendar. Download.
- Prayer Card. Download.
- Pope’s Prayer Intention. Download.
- Weekly Prayer of the Faithful. Download.
- Infographic for the Day of Care and Creation. Download.
- Live Simply List. Download.
- Do I need it? Card for wallets. Download.
- Stations of the Cross. Download.
The symbol for 2024 is the firstfruits of hope
Hope is an instrument enabling us to overcome the natural law of decay. Hope is given to us by God as a protection and guard against futility. Only through hope we may realize the gift of freedom in fullness. Freedom to act not only to achieve enjoyment and prosperity, but to reach the stage in which we are free and responsible. Freedom and responsibility enable us to make the world a better place. Only when we work together with Creation can the firstfruits of hope emerge.
To delve deeper into the theological reflection that guides the 2024 theme and symbol, find more information here.
Watch: Faith leaders invite you to the 2024 Season of Creation
Social media tiles
Leading up to the Season of Creation and throughout, the Integral Ecology Committee of the Archdiocesan Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission are sharing quotes from Pope Francis with actions people can take. Follow the Facebook group of the Commission here.