Young Catholic faith in action

 Challenge 2000: Faith in action Bridget Roche   Challenge 2000 is a youth development agency with a mission of ‘responding to the gospel by working with people in the search…

 Challenge 2000: Faith in action

Bridget Roche  

Challenge 2000 is a youth development agency with a mission of ‘responding to the gospel by working with people in the search for social justice, social responsibility and personal dignity’. We live out our mission through a commitment to developing young leaders from within our schools, churches and communities. We provide a range of opportunities for them to explore their faith and to develop their potential as leaders. Our programmes range from the Challenge Marist Gap Year – a year-long intensive formation programme – to youth groups, sacramental programmes and school retreats.

Young people can struggle with making sense of who they are and what they stand for. Our programmes aim to help them answers those questions themselves. We explore topics such as identity, faith and justice, all within a safe environment.

It is not enough to simply know these things. For us, faith and action are inextricably linked and can only be fully realised through the way we respond to others and the world around us. For us to be disciples of Jesus we have to walk alongside people. We believe the best way to do this is by serving others in the community. A core component of our programmes is providing young people opportunities to live out faith through service.

By participating in our Odyssey, Gap year, or a Caritas Challenge programme, many young people have found a community of like-minded people with a developing faith and desire to live it out in practical ways. Challenge 2000 supports them act by helping out at youth events and holiday programmes, cleaning churches, leading youth groups, starting initiatives within their schools, or getting involved in Social Justice events to raise the profile of needs in other communities.

Through such activities they learn that service is not a one-way street. While they serve their communities they also gain from the experience. As Mother Teresa said ‘I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things’.

This year we will again be giving young people opportunities to explore their faith and to act! When young people are given such opportunities it is transformational – for the individual, their families, communities and our world.

If you or someone you know is keen to get involved, information about all our youth ministry programmes is on our website or call Courtney or Nicole on (04) 477-0045.

Bridget Roche is Director Challenge 2000.