On Monday 12 June 2023 the Archdiocesan Commission for Ecology, Justice and Peace met together with Archbishop Paul Martin SM to share their mahi and priority areas for 2023. The Commission contributes to and participates in work for justice and peace inspired and informed by Catholic social teaching. Here is some of the work that the Commission and its three Committees have planned this year:
- The Integral Ecology Committee ran an online campaign for Laudato Si’ week, using excerpts from Laudato Si’ with suggested practical actions to support people to put the teachings in action. They are currently planning activities around the Season of Creation.
- The Poverty Committee has been focussing on issues of food security, death without debt, and the Living Wage movement.
- The Bi-Cultural Relationships Committee has been focussing on engaging with Parishes to widen participation.
- The Commission will be organising an Election Forum later in the year.
If you’d like to learn more about the work of the Commission check out their page. They also have a Facebook group that you can join.
Please contact Deirdre Meskill, the EJP Advisor if you would like to receive regular updates from the Commission about events and activities they have planned. Email d.meskill@wn.catholic.org.nz.

Back row: Msgr Gerard Burns, Archbishop Paul Martin, Fr Tom Rouse, Jim McAloon (Chair)
Front row: Estelle Henrys, Tafadzwa Dhlakama, Margaret O’Connor, Rex Begley
Absent from photo: Sr Ruth Pickering, Daveda Wainohu