Young people from the parishes of the Hutt Valley gathered for a combined youth Mass on Sunday July 28. The atmosphere was joy-filled and exuberant, helped by the great music provided by St Michael’s Taita youth group. Multiple choirs joined them in leading the music and young people were proclaimers of the Word and Eucharistic ministers, encouraged and supported by Fr Cirilo Barlis.
A group of St Bernard’s boys put on a thought-provoking (and sometimes hilarious) drama as part of highlighting the message of the gospel – ‘ask and you shall receive!’ The whole liturgy and celebration afterward were pulled together by Carmen Ning and a team of over 15 youth ministry leaders from all four Mass centres in the parish.
This was a faith-affirming celebration, a glimpse of just how wonderful our young people are, and how much they enjoy being together for faith events when they can really make them their own. And they can lead if we truly let them do so!
Watch your parish newsletters for notice of the next youth Mass – they are worth traveling for!