We are now a week into Lent. Lent began this year with the plea from Pope Francis and other Christian leaders to make Ash Wednesday a Day of Prayer and Fasting for the people of Ukraine. A week after Ash Wednesday the news continues to be devastating and very worrying. Despite high level political talks around the world, we probably all feel that this is a hopeless situation and like me probably ask “what can we do when such power and evil prevails?”
It might seem simplistic, but we can pray. Pope Francis called us to pray for the protection of children, the protection of the sick and suffering and the protection of people. In an exceptional move the Holy Father paid a visit to the Russian Embassy to the Vatican on Friday 26th February. The visit of a Pope to an embassy to speak with an ambassador in a time of conflict is unprecedented. The Holy Father did this to highlight the tragic seriousness of this situation. We do need
to keep praying.
This Lent may well be defined by this invasion of Ukraine. As I celebrate Mass each day at Connolly Hall I look out the window and see the Ukrainian flag flying outside the British High Commission. The first day I saw it I asked the congregation to look at it as they left and to remember it throughout the day and to pray from time to time that peace will be restored and lives saved. Please make this Lent a time to pray for Ukraine.
Prayers of intercession for Ukraine
We pray for the Church: that in this time of crisis, she may speak words of truth and justice, act
with compassion and be a sign of Christ’s love for all those who are suffering.
Lord in your mercy…
We pray for world leaders, that guided by integrity and wisdom, they may work together so that
peace may flourish.
Lord in your mercy…
We pray for all those caught up in violence, remembering especially the people of Ukraine; that
in this time of fear and conflict, they may know God’s presence and peace.
Lord in your mercy…
We pray for all those suffering from hunger as a result of conflict and injustice, in countries such
as Sierra Leone, Afghanistan and Ethiopia.
Lord in your mercy….
We pray for our parish and our local community: that in this time of Lent, we may reach out in
solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.
Lord in your mercy…
Nāku noa. Nā,
Cardinal John Dew
On Friday 25th March 2022 Catholics are invited to join with Pope Francis in a special day of prayer for Ukraine. Due to the Covid-19 Alert level and gathering restrictions, there are no special masses being held but Catholics in Aotearoa New Zealand are being asked to visit their churches throughout the day to join in on this day.
Prayer resource: Ukraine-NLO-Prayer-resource-for-Friday-25-March-2022.pdf (catholic.org.nz)
Full details of the Day of Prayer, from Bishop Steve: https://www.catholic.org.nz/news/media-releases/prayer-ukraine/