WelCom July 2019:
Emma Dodsworth

Fr Vui Xuan Hoang congratulated after being ordained a priest.
On Saturday June 29, the Solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul, the Diocese of Palmerston North came together to witness the Ordination to the Priesthood of Vui Xuan Hoang. Fr Vui is originally from Vietnam and lived in Palmerston North prior to attending Good Shepherd College – Te Hepara Pai, Auckland. Fr Vui is now a priest of the Palmerston North Diocese
The Cathedral of the Holy Spirit was packed with local parishioners, visitors from all over the diocese, Vui’s friends from the seminary and other parts of New Zealand, and his many relatives and friends who had travelled the long distance from Vietnam to be part of the celebration to support Vui receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

Mons David Bell during the laying on of hands witnessed by family, friends and parishioners.
Four bishops presiding were Bishop Peter Cullinane and Bishop Owen Dolan from Palmerston North, Emeritus Bishop Denis Browne of Hamilton, and Bishop Vien Van Nguyen who travelled from Vietnam with five priests.
There was a distinct Vietnamese flavour to the Mass. The second reading was proclaimed in Vietnamese by Sr Thien Nguyen, and a Vietnamese choir providing music.
In his homily, Emeritus Bishop Peter Cullinane, who presided over the Mass, spoke about how ordained ministry gives voice and visibility to Jesus’ own ministry.
‘Jesus himself chose the image of the good shepherd, alluding to his own role of leading, nurturing and forming the flock, sending them on his mission, and giving them the assurance of how much they mean to God,’ he said. ‘Those entrusted with ordained ministry make present Christ’s priesthood, especially in the sacraments and the celebration of the Eucharist.’
After Communion, newly ordained Fr Vui emotionally credited his parents with his decision to become a priest.
‘I strongly believe it is because of my father’s love of the priesthood, and the faith and prayer life of my mother, that God called me to become a priest,’ he said.
Fr Vui will be residing in New Plymouth.

Fr Vui Xuan Hoang with clergy outside the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. Photos: Emma Dodsworth