WelCom October 2021
Teresa Rayner

Our time at high school can be one of the most enjoyable, formative, or sometimes difficult periods of our lives. It isn’t always easy as young people begin to figure out who they are and how they want to make a mark on this world, especially with all the expectations society and social media place on us nowadays.
This year, I am a Young Church Tuākana – older sibling/Youth Minister – at St Catherine’s College Kilbirnie. I’m privileged to be able to help make faith an even bigger part of students’ journeys. Through things like helping with Special Character events, running lunchtime activities, popping into classes, and simply being as the ‘older sister’ students can chat to, I hope to help make faith even more relatable for our young people.
I see a big part of my role as helping students realise God isn’t just a study subject, but rather as God who longs to be friends with them and loves them just as they are – no filter needed!
If you would like to ‘Join the Journey’ and be someone who walks alongside our young people at such a vital time in their lives, don’t hesitate to contact: youth@wn.catholic.org.nz for more information or to apply as a Young Church Tuākana for 2022!