Lent resources – Week Three

In his 2024 Lent Message Pope Francis outlines the struggle we all face in our daily lives. The season of Lent provides us with time to take stock.

‘Whereas those who serve idols become like them, mute, blind, deaf and immobile, the poor of spirit are open and ready: a silent force of good that heals and sustains the world.’

In his 2024 Lent Message Pope Francis outlines the struggle we all face in our daily lives. The season of Lent provides us with time to take stock. He writes:

‘Even more to be feared than Pharaoh are the idols that we set up for ourselves; we can consider them as his voice speaking within us. To be all-powerful, to be looked up to by all, to domineer over others: every human being is aware of how deeply seductive that lie can be. It is a road well-travelled. We can become attached to money, to certain projects, ideas or goals, to our position, to a tradition, even to certain individuals. Instead of making us move forward, they paralyze us. Instead of encounter, they create conflict. Yet there is also a new humanity, a people of the little ones and of the humble who have not yielded to the allure of the lie. Whereas those who serve idols become like them, mute, blind, deaf and immobile (cf. Ps 114:4), the poor of spirit are open and ready: a silent force of good that heals and sustains the world.’

See more resources from the National Liturgy Office here.