Home Liturgy and Broadcast Masses for 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Livestream Masses for this weekend: Sunday 9.00am Mass with Archbishop Paul Martin SM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JATAGFcJPfs Sunday 9.30am Our Lady of Kapiti Parish Mass with Fr Julian Wagg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=254vJrKJiXc Sunday 2.00pm Mass…

Livestream Masses for this weekend:

Sunday 9.00am Mass with Archbishop Paul Martin SM

Sunday 9.30am Our Lady of Kapiti Parish Mass with Fr Julian Wagg

Sunday 2.00pm Mass on Shine TV: Mass will be broadcast on Shine TV Sundays 2pm until further notice. It can be found on Free-to-air TV Channel 25 or Sky TV Channel 201. This will be pre-recorded In Auckland under the restrictions of the Covid-19 Lockdown Alert Level.

Readings for 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

From Universalis: https://universalis.com/20210919/mass.htm