We’re excited to present Takirua2020 – a collaborative venture between the Catholic Network of Marriage Educators (CNME) and the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference,
Council for Young People.

To be held in Wellington from 24 April- 26 April 2020 at the Intercontinental Wellington.
For registration and more detailed information on speakers, schedules, seminars, and booking please click on this link www.TAKIRUA2020.nz
Who is Takirua 2020 for? Anyone who
- wants to be enthused and excited about the possibilities and opportunities;
- cares about your Church and its ministry in today’s society;
- wants to understand more about the complex issues we face;
- is realistic about the challenges before us;
- is passionate about marriage and family life;
- wants to celebrate the diversity of our Catholic community;
- has insights to offer from your own life and ministry;
- wants young people to have the chance to know Jesus Christ within the Catholic tradition;
- wants to be as effective as possible as a pastoral minister – volunteer or employed;
- is part of your diocese’ pastoral ministry effort at the local level.
What’s it about? Interactive seminars will explore:
- Facilitating high quality communication
- Working in multicultural marriage ministry
- Working in multicultural youth ministry
- Technology addiction and relationships
- Social isolation in a super-connected world
- Mental health in marriage preparation
- Youth ministry in a secular age
- Spirituality in a world that can’t keep still (or shut up)
- Planning family naturally
- Marriage programme’s for today’s church
- Safeguarding and the Gospel
- Pornography – everyone gets hurt
- A vision for Catholic life beyond the parish
- Nurturing missionary zeal
- Positive mental health and wellbeing
- Gender, sexuality and welcome