On Sunday 15 August, Aotearoa New Zealand will be re-dedicated to Mary Assumed into Heaven, a dedication first carried out by Bishop Pompallier in 1838. The National Liturgy Office has prepared two YouTube videos (links below) to help Catholics across the country to sing the himene Mō Maria, which was composed by Bishop Pompallier. Over the years the versions, pronunciations and melodies of the hymn have varied from Pompallier’s original. This has made it more difficult for us to sing the hymn harmoniously. The August 15 rededication of the country to Mary gives us an opportunity to promote Mō Maria as a national Catholic anthem.These videos return to the source, the Hokianga, to learn the original text and melody from the locals. The first is a documentary style introduction to the hymn, the second has the words onscreen to sing along with.
Mō Maria – An Introduction https://youtu.be/sDFehbr8g6w
Mō Maria – A Hymn https://youtu.be/c2Yq4rI6Ml8