Miriama Allen shared an update and some beautiful images from her time so far on the World Youth Day pilgrimage to Lisbon. Miriama is from our Archdiocese and is also a member of the NZCBC Council for Young People.
“During this Journey of Faith I have been lucky enough to see many amazing and Holy things. So far major highlights have been Saint Chapelle, Paris (this is where the Crown of Thorn was housed). We visited Saint Bernadette in Nevers then visited the Holy Site where she had many apparitions of Our Lady in Lourdes. Lourdes was the most spiritual site I have ever been too. In Lourdes we were lucky enough to have Miha right in the Grotto. I was able to walk the Stations of the Cross and feel the mamae of the cross the Lord felt. The Stations of the Cross was the most beautiful and heart-wrenching experience I have ever had. Afterwards I washed my hands and face in the Lourdes Water and said a Karakia. There have been so many more amazing things I have experienced during this time and there is still more to come!
Before coming my Mum, Whānau and I prayed and asked the Lord to keep my heart open to all the many blessings and miracles I will receive during this journey, and I have received many blessings and miracles during this journey.”