Kia tau te rangimārie ki a koutou
In Pope Francis’ message for World Mission Day 2022 he reiterates the call to all Christians to bear witness to Christ and a mission of universal evangelization. He is reminding all people of these words from the Act of the Apostles “You will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
Are we conscious and intentional about being witnesses to Christ every day? In everything we say and do?
Do we think about being witnesses to Christ at work? In the way we treat others? Are our business practises honest and just?
Does Christ get a look in when we are playing sport, watching sport? Or is witnessing to the Gospel far from our minds?
There is a lot of speaking about, reflecting on and many writings these days about Synodality. We have had some wonderful discussions around the diocese and people are becoming excited by the possibilities Synodality is bringing us. It is about helping all the People of God:
to be inspired to live the Gospel,
to dream about the Church we are called to be,
to make people’s hopes flourish,
to stimulate trust in one another,
to bind up wounds,
to weave new and deeper relationships,
to learn from one another,
to build bridges,
to enlighten minds,
to warm hearts,
to restore strength to our hands for our common mission.
Doing all of the above enables us to be Christ’s ” witnesses to the ends of the earth.”
With every blessing. Nāku noa. Nā
+ John