Dear People of God
I want you to be involved in this Synod process. Your baptism calls you and entitles you to be involved.
One of the most important presentations I have ever heard was in Rome in 2015 when Pope Francis made a wonderful speech at the 50th Anniversary of the Synod of Bishops. I remember him saying “let us never forget this, the only authority is the authority of service”. I have quoted that many times in the last few years. Pope Francis has told us that it is not a title, or a particular set of clothing, or an education that matters for us as leaders in Church, it is the way we serve. He knows we are called by baptism to journey together. He also said in the document Evangelii Guadium “it would be insufficient to envisage a plan of evangelization to be carried out by professionals while the rest of the faithful would be passive recipients”. EG120
In our Church nobody is to be a passive recipient. In the preparatory document for this Synod we have been given “the ability to imagine a different future for the Church and her institutions in keeping with the Mission she has received”.
I am looking forward very much to your involvement in imagining a different future for the Church. Please use this opportunity, it is essential that we do so. This Synod sets out to change the fact that most of the people of God have been passive spectators for years. You can help to change that. Please take up the invitation to be involved in this Synod process. You can do that through the Synod page on the Archdiocesan website.
With all good wishes and every blessing
John A Cardinal Dew
Archbishop of Wellington
Published October 2021.