Building Young Catholic Leaders

WelCom February 2017: Youth, Schools, Education Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision passes the time. Vision with action can change the world’ – Joel A. Barker Young…

WelCom February 2017:

Youth, Schools, Education

Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision passes the time. Vision with action can change the world’ – Joel A. Barker

Archdiocese of Wellington Young Catholic Leaders at camp.

Archdiocese of Wellington Young Catholic Leaders at camp.

Young Catholic Leader (YCL) is a five-day Catholic leadership course run in December each year in Wellington, Palmerston North and Hamilton dioceses. A limited number of year 12 student leaders are invited, mainly from Catholic colleges but also from parishes and chaplaincies. It prepares students for leadership roles in their final college year. After ten years and nearly a thousand graduates, the course is a winner for schools, parishes and for the young leaders.

Jessica Patterson, Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt, said, ‘Arriving at the YCL camp, I was filled with uncertainty. A few days later I left feeling both sure and certain! The young leaders of 2017 are a special group of servant leaders, who see each other as friends and also family. The five days were action-packed with laughter, lessons and learning leadership skills of teamwork, listening, communication and encouragement – vital to succeed and achieve a goal. My faith has deepened and I am encouraged by new friendships made as we continue on our new leadership journey together.’

Adam Currie, Garin College Nelson, said ‘I went to YCL not knowing what to expect other than something to do with Catholic leadership with people I’d never met before. We were greeted and split into groups. We soon bonded as friends. We planned prayer sessions, a dinner, and participated in various team-building and leadership activities. Our awesome leaders spoke about Liturgy, prayer, win-win negotiating, and servant leadership. “When you raise yourself to anything above a servant, your raise yourself above your Saviour”.’

Students from Palmerston North Diocese colleges.

Students from Palmerston North Diocese colleges.

Cardinal John Dew wrote us a letter about the importance of living our faith. He came and answered our numerous questions, before celebrating Mass with us.

A highlight was Reconciliation, which I’d never experienced. The Sacrament and prayer environment were amazing.

Anna Crowley, Sacred Heart College New Plymouth, said, ‘On 9 December 2016, 40 student leaders from colleges in Palmerston North Diocese came together and for a life-changing camp in Pohangina Valley. Our 12 amazing mentors helped us to open up, trust and help each other to become the best leaders we can for our schools for 2017.’