CDF unclaimed monies

August 2015 News CDF unclaimed monies Call 0800 4 233 233. In 2014, Cardinal John Dew wrote to all individual depositors who had invested with Catholic Development Fund (CDF), to…

August 2015


CDF unclaimed monies

Call 0800 4 233 233.

In 2014, Cardinal John Dew wrote to all individual depositors who had invested with Catholic Development Fund (CDF), to thank them for their past support and to advise that CDF would no longer be accepting deposits from individuals. This change was due to increased compliance costs arising from recent law changes.

While the majority of clients have had their funds returned, more than 700 clients haven’t responded to communications from either recent contact  or previous contacts dating back many years. Often mail has been returned as ‘Gone no Address’.

An inactive account, after one year, is transferred into a CDF Unclaimed Monies Account, which does not earn interest. From 1 April 2016, any individual deposits over $100 in the CDF Unclaimed Monies Account are required to be sent to the Inland Revenue Department’s Unclaimed Monies Account. After that date, future requests for these unclaimed funds will need to be directed to IRD.

If you think you may have had funds deposited with CDF that have never been repaid, or would like more information, please email Ngaire Pinkham or phone 0800 4 233 233 (9am–4pm) any weekday except Wednesdays.