Collegial evening for marriage educators

The archdiocese’s Marriage Ministry group of educators met recently with Archbishop Paul Martin sm for an evening of fellowship, reflection and shared experiences. It was an opportunity to learn from one another and to enhance their impact on the lives of couples they work with.

WelCom September 2023

The archdiocese’s Marriage Ministry group of educators met recently with Archbishop Paul Martin sm for an evening of fellowship, reflection and shared experiences. It was an opportunity to learn from one another and to enhance their impact on the lives of couples they work with.

The group supports the Marriage Ministry’s mission across a range of its initiatives, such as the ‘Commit’ programme, ‘Love is a Decision’ course, ‘Engaged Encounter’ weekends and the St Valentine’s Mass. In alignment with the ministry’s mission – to nurture and guide couples through the journey of marriage, fostering love, commitment and spiritual growth – their work supports couples and promotes strong, healthy and faith-centred marriages.