WelCom December 2022
If you would like your event listed on this page, please send an outline to welcom@wn.catholic.org.nz including name of event, date, time, location and contact.
Saturday 3 December
St Francis Xavier, Memorial.
Johnsonville Christmas Parade – the Combined Churches of Johnsonville will have a float and invite children who would like to take part to gather at Uniting Church, Dr Taylor Terrace, next to St Brigid’s Church, 9.45am. Come dressed as a member of nativity scene or borrow a costume supplied at Uniting Church on the day. Adults welcome to be part of parade.
Parish BBQ – Sacred Heart Parish Waitara, 5pm–7.30pm, Sacred Heart Waitara.
BYO food and maybe a chair.
Sunday 4 December
St Patrick’s School, Kaponga – centennial celebrations with Mass at 10.30am following by mixing, mingling and meeting past classmates, teachers and friends, photos and memorabila display, and time capsule to be planted. Light lunch available. Visit www.stpatrickskaponga.co.nz or email centennial@stpatskaponga.school.nz to register your interest. Contact Rose Kelbrick, principal, St Patrick’s School, ph: (06) 764-6563.
Pot-luck luncheon – for all old girls of Sacred Heart College Whanganui and past pupils of Sisters of St Joseph (Taranaki Branch), at the Stratford Parish Centre from midday onwards. Please bring an item for the foodbank.
Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 December
Christmas Carols at the Cathedral – The Unity Singers present 2022 Christmas Carols at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Palmerston North, 7pm. Donation or item of non-perishable food for St Vincent de Paul Foodbank would be very much appreciated.
Wednesday 7 December
Ignatian Prayer – Sacred Heart Community, Rongotea, invite all to the Ignation Prayer Group meeting, 7pm in Sacred Heart Church, 6 Mersey St, Rongotea 4476. All welcome to a lively discussion and reflection followed by a ‘cuppa’.
Thursday 8 December
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Solemnity and Archdiocese of Wellington Patronal Feast. An archdiocesan Mass will be celebrated, 7pm, at St Teresa’s Pro-Cathedra, Karori.
Saturday 10 December
Catholic Parish of Hastings Youth Group Christmas Concert – 6pm, Sacred Heart Church. Food stalls, carols, raffles, song and dance, community spirit. A night for whole family! Entry donation/koha. All funds raised go towards Youth Bay Camp in January 2023.
Monday 12–Friday 16 December
Young Catholic Leader (YCL) leadership formation programme for 2023 Yr 13 students, Highland Home Christian Camp, Pohangina Valley. Emphasis a faithful Catholic leadership 24/7. Focus on prayer, service, collaboration, challenge and personal commitment, group building, Mass, and camp duties. Contact Nick Wilson, Diocesan Young Catholics Team Leader, at nwilson@pndiocese.org.nz for more information.
Sunday 11 December
St Benedict’s Hamper Mass – St Benedict’s Khandallah Hamper Mass, 9am, in support of families in the community, non-perishable goods suggested. Parishioners invited to bring hampers to church for Mass, to be placed in front of altar. Please contact Jo Mackenzie on 021 990 918 for information.
Thursday 15–Friday 23 December
Simbang Gabi – Christmas Novena Masses at St Anne’s Church, Newtown, starting Thursday 15 at 7pm and every evening until Friday 23 December. This is the spiritual preparation for Christmas, in commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Traditionally in Filipino culture, observing Simbang Gabi is a way of offering sacrifice for the Lord. All welcome.
Friday 16–Friday 23 December
Cribs on Kāpiti – Our Lady of Kāpiti Church, windows will be lit up from 8pm–10pm each night. A gold coin donation or a can would be welcome. All welcome to come and view the cribs, 1 Presentation Way, Paraparaumu.
Sunday 25 December
Christmas Day, Solemnity
Tuesday 14 February 2023
Valentine’s Day Mass – St Joseph’s Church, 152 Brougham St, Mt Victoria. Mass celebrated by Cardinal John Dew from 6.30pm, followed by refreshments.