WelCom October 2024
Lisl Prendergast
A St John’s College Year 11 Horticulture class, who are doing a Level 2 unit on bedding plants, planted a large bed of white and blue pansies recently. The planting was in the form of the Marist logo with a large ‘M ‘and a large ‘A’ that honour the school’s origins and traditions, to be flowering for the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. The students are now working on a vegetable unit, while at the same time keeping the pansy bed weeded. They have planted celery, carrots, onions, cauliflower, broccoli, leeks and beetroot.Student Jacob O’Kane said they had learnt ‘a lot about fertilisers and the preparation of the ground for planting’. The aim is for 10 credits for NCEA.