WelCom June 2019:
Lisa Beech

Advice sharing at Naenae Benefit Impact. Photo: Supplied
Our Lady of Kāpiti Parish will host a Benefit Impact from 22–26 July at Our Lady of Fatima Church, Waikanae. People from Kāpiti Coast are invited from Tuesday 23 July, to come and check entitlements with trained benefit advocates.
As with the Archdiocese’s Benefit Impacts hosted by parish communities in Upper Hutt, 2016 and in Naenae, 2017, over the first two days, beneficiaries are invited to check their entitlements with advocates, followed by two days of appointments with Work and Income staff.
The focus is on core benefit entitlements, especially tier 1 (core benefits) and tier 2 (accommodation supplement, disability allowance, child disability allowance, temporary additional support). Ongoing changes that mean a household is better off in the long-term.
Many householders at the Naenae event were over 65 year of age, with disability allowance being the main help requested. The Kāpiti parish and St Vincent de Paul group are aware many older Kāpiti residents experience financial hardship. Some struggle to meet essential costs because of costs for prescriptions, home help and transport to medical appointments. Some of these costs can be included in disability allowance. The week aims to help clarify information about entitlements.
Opportunities for parishioners to help at the Benefit Impact Week include:
- volunteers – benefit advocates, welcomers, hospitality, pastoral support.
- community support – organisers will rely on suitable qualified parishioners for legal support, and Wellington Catholic Social Services to provide social worker and counselling support.
Organisers are encouraging other Kāpiti churches and agencies to be part of this initiative.
For more information please contact jlweber@xtra.co.nz or wullieg41@gmail.com of Our Lady of Kāpiti Justice and Peace Group.