WelCom May 2024
A new formation programme at United States seminaries will see first-year seminarians have more prayer time and less screen time.
The sixth edition of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Programme of Priestly Formation, which began to be implemented last year in seminaries across the country, mandates a preliminary year for all men first entering the seminary.
Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit will implement a year of preparation for first-year seminarians, when men discerning the priesthood will focus on personal and spiritual growth, and less on academic work.
A key feature of this year will be limited screen and device time and more time dedicated to forming a sense of collegiality among seminarians, helping them to develop a spiritual life rooted in prayer as they discern the vocation to which God is calling them, said Fr Stephen Pullis, director of graduate pastoral formation at Sacred Heart Major Seminary.
Fr Pullis said that the year ‘has fewer classes, a different rhythm of life to help them adjust to growing in their human formation and growing spiritually as well’.
‘One of the challenges men coming into the seminary often have is that they are used to a life on devices, social media, email, lots of noise, and that can be a difficult adjustment to listening to the Lord’s voice.’
The goal isn’t to shun technology, Fr Pullis said, but to place technology and worldly needs in their rightful place.
Source: Detroit Catholic