WelCom April 2022

Life Teen Ministry
Life Teen Aotearoa is here to support youth ministry work with young people in parishes. Despite the ongoing challenges of 2022, our team is full of life and remains committed to supporting local ministries in their work.
Our work includes organising and facilitating youth camp programmes as well as providing resources for youth ministry and helping parishes use these.
While we had to cancel Summer Camp 2022 due to Covid-related uncertainty, our year began with a successful ‘Empower Core’ training weekend for Napier and Hastings youth ministers. It was exciting to journey with these leaders and support their community work. We hope to partner with other youth ministers and parish groups this year to run more Empower Training support events.
We began our Emmaus Network online programme last year for youth ministers around the country to share stories and resources to support one another’s work. The programme is continuing online this year, from 3pm–4pm on the last Saturday of every month. You are welcome to join us.
We’re looking forward with hope to Life Teen Summer Camp Aotearoa in 2023 and we ask for your prayers for our team and ministry as we begin to plan for the camp.
Please contact us at: info@lifeteen.nz or www.lifeteen.nz and follow us on Instagram @lifeteenaotearoanz and on Facebook at Life Teen Aotearoa; Life Teen Summer Camp Aotearoa; Life Teen Aotearoa Emmaus Network.