Archdiocesan News
October 2013
Otari parish’s Social Justice Group is to host a movie night, on 3 November, to support the Refugee Family Reunification Trust.
The film at the Penthouse Cinema, Brooklyn is The Butler and tells the true story of a White House butler who served eight successive American presidents.
It is directed by Lee Daniels and stars John Cusack, Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey and Lenny Kravitz. The trust’s purpose is to financially help refugees in Wellington to bring immediate family members to join them here.
Reuniting these families is critical to their successful resettlement and integration and greatly improves the lives of those refugees already living in New Zealand.
The trust is trying to raise money for airfares to bring a family of seven from Ethiopia, a family of four from Columbia and a family of 10 from Somalia to join family members in Wellington.
Tickets for the fundraiser are $20 available after Masses at St Teresa’s Karori and St Thomas More Wilton. Entry will be at 5.30pm for a 6pm start.
If you would simply like to make a donation, contact Kathryn Flynn or (04) 976 0817, Catherine Hallagan or Catherine Vernon at the parish office (04) 476 6131.