WelCom July 2020:
The Pocket Thomas Merton, by Thomas Merton, Double Day, $17.99
Inspiration in your pocket.
The Spirituality of Wine, by Gisela H Kreglinger, Eerdmans, $39.99
Wine and spirituality.
Everything Belongs, by Richard Rohr OFM, Crossroad Publishing Co, $29.99
Widen your perspective – a personal retreat for those who hunger for a deeper spirituality.
Draw Ever Closer: Henri Nouwen – 30 Days, by Henri Nouwen, Ave Maria Press, $24.99
Daily devotional, mini-retreat for the soul.
The Healing Habit, by Daniel O’Leary, Columba Press, $26.99
A tonic for your spirit, a healing for your heart.
Be Brave in the Scared: How I Learned to Trust God in the Most Difficult Days of My Life, by Mary Lenaburg, Ave Maria Press, $31.99
Tackling the tough topics. Time to trust in Him.
Providing inspiration to generations of reader