WelCom April 2024
Parishioners, ex-parishioners and friends of the former Sacred Heart Parish of Reefton are invited to our 150-year celebrations on the weekend of 17, 18, 19 May.
The programme includes a Meet and Greet, visits to the church to share stories of the parish through 150 years; Sacred Heart School; Reefton Cemetery and grounds with stories of the early settlers. Plus lunch, celebration Saturday evening Mass, Dinner at Dawsons, and Sunday morning tea and goodbyes.
If you have photographs of the churches in Reefton, Ikamatua, Murchison, Inangahua, Waiuta, and Cronadun, plus the old assembly Hall, Convent, old school, presbytery, people, gatherings etc…bring them along.
There will be a parish update booklet to 2023 when Sacred Heart Parish and St Canice’s Parish amalgamated to form the Parish of Buller and Inangahua.
Register your interest by 26 April with: Tony Fortune tonyfortune52@xtra.co.nz ph (03) 732 8639; or Bernadette Snowden berna.cat.snowden@xtra.co.nz ph (03) 732 8915; or Margaret Prince margaret@reefton.nz ph 027 6311093.