WelCom September 2018:
Mr Jonny Greaney
St Patrick’s College, Silverstream, hosted this year’s annual College Mass for Vinnies on Sunday 19 August. The Mass was an uplifting occasion as we gathered to celebrate the wonderful work Young Vinnies do in our Catholic colleges. In his homily College priest Fr John Walls sm, encouraged those gathered to view the helping of others as the right action for Catholics. The Eucharist, therefore, acting as a source and guide for us as we live out our faith.
It was especially uplifting to hear the students’ feedback. They commented in a variety of ways about how their involvement in Vinnies has enabled them to learn about their own faith. For what is Faith, without love as an action? Like most Catholic occasions the opportunity to gather together, pray, reflect, sing and receive the Eucharist, ended with hospitality – a slice or two of pizza and a cuppa tea or coffee.
This annual event, celebrated well, should continue to produce good fruit.
Mr Jonny Greaney is Director of Religious Studies, St Patrick’s College, Silverstream.